
Social Media Versus Traditional Media

Social Media Versus Traditional Media

By Corporate Media Services

Media spokespeople often complain that media interviews with journalists, microphones and cameras are stressful.

However, unlike social media, media spokespeople are aware of the moment and the possible ramifications.

With social media, you may not be aware of the possible ramifications of what is recorded online in text, audio or video.

At a recent business conference in New Zealand, a businesswoman told me how she was looking up the Facebook details of a winery where she wanted to book some accommodation. Unfortunately, the owner had responded negatively to a recent guest comment, so she left the page and looked for another venue.

Almost daily, we see in the broader media, examples of where social media has been misused. Some describe social media as being evil – it is not. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram etc are all wonderful ways to communicate messages to our audiences.

What people put on social media could be described as evil or at the very least, stupid.

Many people now get their main news and information from social media and ignore what’s available via traditional media.

So we need to embrace and treat social media with respect and have social media protocols in place.

Review the following video for more insight into the world of social media.

Information Only

Any information presented on our website is of a general nature only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice.

Further Assistance

If you’re currently dealing with an organisational crisis involving social media, or could be in the future, contact Corporate Media Services for more information or training about social media or traditional media.

Make an email enquiry now… or call 1300 737 913